Skuttle Steam Humidifiers
Whole-House Humidifiers
Steam Humidifers 
Skuttle Duct-Mounted Steam Humidifiers are the best option when stabilized humidity is desired or essential. They work well on all heating systems with air movers, and are particularly effective on furnaces that don’t operate long enough or generate enough heat for other humidifiers to work efficiently. Skuttle has been the leader in residential steam humidification for more than 20 years.
How Steam Humidifiers Work
Inside a Skuttle Steam Humidifier, a water temperature sensing device operates the furnace fan independently from your home's heating system. Because it has its own heat source, a steam unit will effectively humidify your home regardless of the air temperature.
Multiple Options
Standard Models 60-1 and 60-2 come equipped with Compustat—an electronic, temperature-sensing humidistat that adjusts automatically to weather changes. Models F60-1 and F60-2 are identical to the standard units, except that they include a Skuttle Automatic Flushing Timer and Chlorine Removal Filter to minimize maintenance.
Rather than being duct-mounted, Model 60-BC1 is a free-standing unit. It's an ideal choice when no ductwork is available, or when using the central air distribution system is not an option.
Environmental Facts
Skuttle Steam Humidifiers are efficient because they use comparatively little water. However, since they operate independently from your heating system, they use a significant amount of electricity. Steam Humidifiers do not produce harmful contaminants, nor do they release them into the air.
Due to Steam Humidifiers' internal complexity and the danger of scalding, cleaning and servicing by a qualified HVAC contractor is strongly recommended. The normal service interval varies from one-to-three months (i.e., one or two cleanings during a typical humidification season, plus a thorough cleaning at the end of the season). Water hardness, weather conditions, home construction, etc., all affect cleaning frequency. Use of a Skuttle Automatic Flushing Timer can reduce maintenance significantly.
The humidifier and the connecting water valve must be turned OFF at the end of each heating season.

= Uses minimal water
Models 60-1 & 60-2 High Capacity steam humidifiers
Models F60-1 & F 60-2 High Capacity steam humidifiers with automatic flushing timers
Model 60-BC1 Freestanding high-capacity steam humidifier